⑪Back pocket stitching, banned! During World War II the U.S. government told the company that it could not stitch its “Arcuate” back pocket design on the 501R jeans, because it was decorative and not a functional use of thread, an essential item for the war effort. So, LS&CO. painted the Arcuate stitching on the pockets of the 501R (men’s) and 701R (women’s) jeans “For The Duration” of the war.
バックポケットのステッチがなくなった。第二次世界大戦中、アメリカ政府は501Rジーンズのバックポケットのデザインである”Arcuate"を禁止した。なぜならそれは装飾であり、戦争への協力のための本質的なアイテム、糸としての機能性を持っていなかったためである。よって、リーバイスは”For The Duration(戦争の間)"、501R(メンズ)と701R(レディス)ジーンズのバックポケットにアキュエイトステッチ柄のペイントを施した。
⑫Regular or Pre-Shrunk?
In the early 1960s, Levi Strauss & Co introduced its first preshrunk 501R jean, a new concept for old timers who were used to buying their jeans a few inches too bit to allow for the specially loomed fabric to shrink to fit them.
レギュラーor プリシュランク?
⑬Trivia question for all our Cal grads! In the 1950s at the University of California at Berkeley, it was the height of fashion for female students to wear their Levi’s jeans with the waistband rolled down.
What was the term Cal students used for this fashion trend?
Answer:Santa Cruz roll
答え:Santa Cruz roll
⑭During the 1970’s, American Motors Corporation offered “fashion” packages for its various model and the special Levi’sR edition came complete with denim seats with copper buttons and the red “batwing” logo near the front wheel wells.
⑮FACT: It takes approximately 213 yards of thread to make a pair of 501R jeans. We use about 1.25 million miles of thread a year, an amount that would encircle the earth 50.2 times!
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