Levi'sおよびLevi's UKのFacebookページでシリーズ化されている”Facts About the Levi’sR Brand That You May Not Know”が面白いのでご紹介。
①May 20th is the Birthday of the Blue Jean so in honor of this great invention, we'll be sharing a daily fun fact about the Levi’sR brand that you may or may not know! Starting with this photo of the world's oldest pair of jeans dating back to 1879!
②Among the first people to wear jeans were all kinds of laborers, including the miners from California in this photo. The traditional name of the pants were “overalls” until the 60s, when the more modern term “jeans” was first used.
③The first product Levi Strauss & Co. made for women was called “Freedom-Alls:” a one-piece garment made for both work and play, perfect for the women of the American West who had active lives.
リーバイスが作った、女性のための最初のプロダクトは”Freedom-Alls:”と呼ばれる、仕事と遊びの両方で使えるワンピースだった。アクティブに生活しているAmerican Westの女性にとってパーフェクトだった。
④Levi Strauss & Co’s first bell bottom came along in 1969, initially in denim and then in blends of every fabric imaginable.
⑤In 1958 LS&Co introduced Spikes, a polished cotton trouser for men and boys, in colors of lemon, lime and orange: the exact colors of a famous gelatin dessert. Anyone still have a pair?
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