⑥Levi Strauss & Co. was the official outfitter for the Olympic Games in 1980 and 1984.
⑦First Levi’sR Women’s Line
The first separate division for women’s clothing was launched in 1968, called Levi’sR For Gals.
初めて女性向けとして個別に展開されたクロージングは1968年にローンチされた。それはLevi's For Galsと呼ばれた。
⑧Check your red tab...
One out of 10 red Tabs on the back pocket of a pair of Levi’sR jeans is a blank red tab and does not include the word Levi’sR. Check your red Tab and see if you’re one of them.
The red Tab was added to Levi’sR jeans in 1936 because competitors were mimicking several features, especially the Arcuate, the signature stitching on the back pockets.
⑨Can you name which designer designed this jacket?
In 1986 Levi Strauss & Co. held its first celebrity decorated denim auction to benefit AIDS charities. Well-known designers re-purposed Levi’sR Trucker jackets and these were sold at auction. Some of these now live in our Archives.
Answer: Yves Saint Laurent
答え:Yves Saint Laurent
⑩Inside Levi’sR Headquarters in San Francisco visitors can visit the Vault, our own Levi’sR museum where you can find fashion from your favorite movie moments and iconic clothing from some of Hollywood’s biggest stars.
サンフランシスコのリーバイス本社の中にある the Vaultというリーバイスミュージアムにビジターは入ることが出来る。そこではあなたのお気に入りの映画の場面やハリウッドスターたちによるアイコニックなクロージングを見ることができる。
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